About Memorial Donations
Making a contribution to the Baltimore Humane Society is a wonderful way to celebrate the life and memory of a beloved friend or family member, human or animal. When you make a memorial donation, you have the option to include contact information for the memorialee's family.
On the next page, you will have the opportunity to provide the name of the memorialee, name and address for acknowledgement, and a short message to be included with their acknowledgement card. If this information is provided, we will send the family a card letting them know that a generous contribution was made in memory of their beloved family member. We will not disclose the amount. Please let us know if you wish to remain anonymous. Unfortunately, we are unable to research addresses for you so if it is important to have a card sent to the family, please include all the information in the form on the next page!
If you have any questions at all or need to make a change to your entry, please email adminservices@bmorehumane.org or call 410-833-8848 ext. 212 and we will be happy to assist.